Friday, March 27, 2009

He's Our You

Wow, I think this blogging thing just might be working, another statue free episode, hurrah! Oh, no wait, people still have to bring everything back to the damn statue.

From a Lost discussion board* re: Sayid shooting lil' Ben Linus:
"Maybe Sayid only shot off one of his toes."

Yes, he totally shot the toe in the middle of his chest, good catch! Way to go, you solved Lost.


*Since I actually really enjoy where this Lost discussion took place, I won't be a complete jerk and link to this fine post. Just know it exists, and it hurts me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Internet

I unfortunately missed last week's episode "Namaste" since I was on vacation, but thanks to, I'm all caught up now. A statue free episode! How glorious. Thank you Lost for not being a jerk this week.

However, just because Lost wasn't a jerk, doesn't mean the Internet wasn't. I mean, come on Internet, you're like the best superhero ever, can't you delete all the stuff that I don't care about? You know what I'm talking about here, use your powers for good!

Look at all this crap polluting you:

"jack" is the four toed statue = about 262,200 results
"jack is the four toed statue" = 2 results
"ben" is the four toed statue = about 224,000 results
"ben is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"richard" is the four toed statue = about 180,000 results
"richard is the four toed statue" = 1 result
"sun" is the four toed statue = about 141,000 results
"sun is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"juliet" is the four toed statue = about 132,000 results
"juliet is the four toed statue" = 1 result
"charlie" is the four toed statue = about 116,000 results
"charlie is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"vincent" is the four toed statue = about 90,600 results
"vincent is the four toed statue" = 2 results
"kate" is the four toed statue = about 79,000 results
"kate is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"jin" is the four toed statue = about 78,100 results
"jin is the four toed statue" = 1 result
"sawyer" is the four toed statue = about 67,400 results
"sawyer is the four toed statue" = 4 results
"ethan" is the four toed statue = about 64,000 results
"ethan is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"hurley" is the four toed statue = about 62,500 results
"hurley is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"desmond" is the four toed statue = about 53,500 results
"desmond is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"locke" is the four toed statue = about 48,900 results
"locke is the four toed statue" = 2 results
"aaron" is the four toed statue = about 44,700 results
"aaron is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"alpert" is the four toed statue = about 36,500 results
"alpert is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"john locke" is the four toed statue = about 33,500 results
"john locke is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"richard alpert" is the four toed statue = about 26,600 results
"richard alpert is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"claire" is the four toed statue = about 21,200 results
"claire is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"sayid" is the four toed statue = about 11,500 results
"sayid is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"widmore" is the four toed statue = about 7,510 results
"widmore is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"charles widmore" is the four toed statue = about 3,480 results
"charles widmore is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"christian shepherd" is the four toed statue = about 1,150 results
"christian shepherd is the four toed statue" = 0 results
"jack shepherd" is the four toed statue = about 487 results
"jack shepherd is the four toed statue" = 0 results

Come on now Internet. Get with the program and stop caring. You'll feel better, weigh less and have increased stamina!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson is not amused by this four toed foot obsession either.

(Image from The Forbidden Planet Blog)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, you must think you're so adorable... Did you really think showing me the back of the statue would make me care? Hmm? And, please, did you really show the whole thing, not just the foot? Oh, how you make me giggle.

I do not care!

(Image stolen from Lostpedia)

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

Locke's foot is shown repeatedly and the Internet explodes, "OMG! Locke is sooo the four toed statue."

I still don't care.